sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

My American Dream: Route 66

Desde hace unos meses estoy suscrito a un grupo llamado The List Serve. La idea de este sitio es que una vez al día, una persona elegida al azar tiene la oportunidad de escribir un email al resto de personas de la lista (tiene algo más de 20.000 personas)

Curiosidades de la vida, unas semanas después de suscribirme tuve la suerte de ser yo la persona que enviara el correo. No fue fácil decidir el tema pero finalmente escribí sobre la Ruta, así que aquí os dejo mi pequeña carta:

My American dream: Route 66

Happiness is to achieve your dreams and enjoy the road. These words are dedicated to a dream that begun 7 years ago, during my first days in university. There, one day, Maria and I decided to embark in the adventure of crossing the United States through Route 66.

Route 66 is the mother road of America, it is the road of hopes that crosses 8 States from Chicago to Los Angeles, Route 66 is a magical experience that lives and will live forever, in the heart of those who once lived the adventure. 

It was almost a year ago, after graduation, when the dream became true. María and I set forth to on the trip that changed our lives. Every single mile from Chicago to Los Angeles was magical. The adventure lasted 35 unforgettable days and it was during that time that we realized we lost part of our hearts there.

The dream is still alive inside us, and that’s why we are so sure that Destiny has kept a place for us on Route 66. Times may change, but Route 66 is alive and kicking like never before.
I’d like to say goodbye with the words of Jack Kerouac

“I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future.” Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Álvaro M.H
Madrid, Spain

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